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We have recently installed a floor store stirrer in a grain store in Suffolk this involved installing the steel work either side for the grain bay for the stirrer to travel on.

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We are just starting work errecting and installing 3 x GSI grain bins including a 27' stirrer drier bin along with a JEMA "dry intake pit" & JEMA conveying equipment.

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Our Installation team hard at work with building a 21 foot 7 ring high stirrer silo in Cumbria, adding to their exsiting one.

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As of the 1st April 2023 Danagri-3S will welcome two major changes to its management and ownership structure.

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One of our 7530 3tph 3 roller, Roller Mills has arrived at a dairy farm near Weymouth, Dorset.The deal was all conducted remotley, trusting our discription & word.
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