Rekord Stirrer starting to move through the grain.Show Full Screen
The compact beam allows for greater height of the grainShow Full Screen
The 4 auger system working through OSRShow Full Screen
Rekord Stirrer starting to traverse side to sideShow Full Screen
Rekord automated control panelShow Full Screen
Installing the Control Box Electrics Show Full Screen
Stirrer build near to completion Show Full Screen
Diamond shaped lattice created as the augers travel through the grainShow Full Screen
- Stirring system for all Combinable Crops Wheat, Barley, OSR etc along with Wood Chip / Pellets.
- Lowers static pressure in the crop allowing even air flow through and mixes the grains for even moisture content.
- Ideal as a retro-fit or new build installation
- 2 Auger, 4 Auger or 6 Auger models available
- For stores up to 16m wide.
- Breaks up crusts and removes hotspots.
- Proven on farms for over 30 years
- Manufactured in the UK including the control panel.