• Mobile Grain AugersMobile Grain AugersMobile Grain AugersMobile Grain AugersMobile Grain Augers

Mobile Grain Augers

Danagri-3S offers an extensive range of grain augers starting with 102mm diameter General Purpose augers from 1m – 30m long with gear driven motors up to our range of electric or PTO driven Hutchinson Heavy Duty mobile augers with under-carriages which can go as large as 330mm diameter, 25m long and 180tph!

Larger sizes and capacities are available with our portable grain pumps, Mass-ter mover and Squeeze belt conveyors.

Augers can be used for the transport of many different materials from meals & minerals to grains & pellets. We also offer a range of belt conveyors for gentler handling of seeds and other products.

Click here to find Flexible Augers

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